Organizations with the Best Charitable Campaigns

TOMS Shoes

Every business is encouraged to be socially responsible. It shows that they care not just for profits but the welfare of their community. Plus, consumers are willing to pay more for products or services if the business is socially responsible.

You can adopt social responsibility in different ways. First, choose a cause to support. It should align with your company’s values and mission. For example, if you vow to be a green business, then a cause that fits your company is anything related to anti-climate change initiatives. If you’d rather focus on helping people in need, you can collaborate with a nonprofit humanitarian organization.

Using a convenient CSR management platform, you can track your donations and share the impacts of your campaign. But how can you start a campaign when the internet is dominated by memes and pop-related content?

Take inspiration from these organizations that nailed charitable campaigns:


TOMS often comes to mind when you think of charitable companies. Since 2006, they have already donated over 60 million pairs of shoes to children in need. They also commit one-third of their profits to supporting grassroots efforts. And as if they weren’t doing good enough, TOMS also started an eyewear division, which, of course, donates pairs of eyeglasses to visually-impaired people with limited access to eye care.

Furthermore, TOMS decided to help with clean water initiatives through its coffee business. Their bag line also gives birthing kits to expectant mothers in developing nations. As of 2020, TOMS has helped more than 25,000 women give birth safely.

2. Amour Vert

Amour Vert is a sustainable fashion brand that collaborates with American Forest. For every tee purchase, Amour Vert and American Forest plant a tree. Since its founding, Amour Vert has already planted more than 350,000 trees around North America.

3. AUrate

If improving the poor’s access to books is your advocacy, take inspiration from jewelry shop AUrate. Their ethically sourced jewelry helps donate books to students in need all over the States.


4. Everlane

Everlane has a unique strategy in its ethical marketing plan. They practice full transparency, disclosing a detailed cost breakdown for each one of their minimalist garments. This allows their customers to see that they pay their workers fairly and don’t mark up their prices dramatically.

To reinforce their social responsibility, Everlane only partners with manufacturers that value their workers’ welfare. It means they don’t contribute to the exploitation of underpaid laborers from developing nations.

5. Stonewall

Stonewall, an organization that supports LGBTQIA+ rights, started a “Get Over It!” campaign in 2007. It tackled homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic bullying.

The campaign garnered attention through eye-catching posters in classrooms, billboards, bus stops, and train carriages around the UK. Printed on the poster were the words “Some People Are Gay. Get Over It!” specifically aimed at students who shamed their queer peers at school.

Celebrities eventually picked up the campaign, leading to its success. It prompted discussions about how queer students were bullied at school. In turn, it celebrated gay people and gay identities, and the impact reached politicians, athletes, and activists worldwide.

6. Dogs Trust

To address the growing problem of abandoned dogs, Dogs Trust released an iconic slogan, which said, “A dog is for life, not just for Christmas.” Since the yuletide season is coming, now is a good time to start a similar campaign. After all, many kids receive puppies as Christmas gifts from their families.

Dogs Trust launches its campaign every year until Christmas. It reminds people about responsible pet ownership and how we must protect unwanted dogs.

7. UNICEF Sweden

UNICEF Sweden’s “Likes Don’t Save Lives” campaign was a real eye-opener. It addressed social media users who liked charity-related content but didn’t do anything to help. UNICEF called them “slacktivists.”

It may be unusual for businesses to call out people like this, but sometimes, a call to action only succeeds when it hits people where it hurts. So take inspiration from UNICEF if you prefer a more aggressive approach to cause marketing. Just ensure that you won’t accompany your promotions with hard-sell content. Your customers might misunderstand that as a ploy to sell your products.

8. ThirdLove

Women’s intimate apparel brand ThirdLove, in partnership with Good360, ISupportTheGirls, and other organizations, donate comfortable bras to women in need. During the aftermath of the California wildfire, they also donated a bra to a victim for every bra purchased.

It’s not hard to support a cause at all, but spreading a campaign about it can be. By learning from these organizations, you can understand what catches people’s attention and how to keep it. Don’t stop helping, no matter how many obstacles come your way.

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