Don’t be Left Behind: Understanding PR in the Digital World

Digital times have changed the way marketers promote their brands, products, and businesses. Stakeholders, such as brand managers and even CEOs, have been subscribing to the fact that the digital landscape is the new frontier for business. And why not? Almost everyone is online, meaning these audiences are potential leads. These people should be those you have to build a relationship with to improve brand recognition and increase the number of fans that you can turn into loyalists. However, not all businesspeople see the beauty of online marketing. You would be surprised by how many brands are still stuck to traditional methods of talking to people.

It is time to move to digital. That does not always mean that you will leave your offline efforts, as they are still crucial for your marketing mix. Moving some of your communications efforts to digital will increase your chances of tapping into potential market. One of the things that you should master is digital PR. You want to gain the trust of your target people and turn them into brand followers. If you are looking for some basics, here are what you need to know, as broken down by a leading public relation agency in Phoenix:

Investing in Content Marketing

When you want to understand how online consumers behave, look at the content they are consuming. You are moving to online because you know that people are consuming large amounts of information. This means that you should invest in high-quality content that your customers can read, watch, and listen to. Content marketing should be a mix of ideas and executions that entertain and inform your audience. Do not get stuck with simple press releases (while they are important). You are supposed to try other formats, such as infographics and AVPs, as these are visually appealing; remember, your audiences have very short attention spans.

Tapping into Evangelists and Influencers

social media applications

When you are running a digital PR campaign, you have to understand that you are building a relationship with your stakeholders and followers. Relatability is a keyword here. To make your content much more relatable, you should work with influencers and certain brand evangelists, as these people already have a large number of following who consider their pieces of advice. These influencers have already built a relationship with their followers. However, when choosing an influencer, you need to pick the ones that speak the voice of your brand. Your brand and the influencer should have the same tonality for consistency’s sake.

Online = Engagement

The difference between offline PR and online PR lies in interaction. Online PR is more engaging than offline PR. So when you run a PR campaign, make sure that people can react to it. You should have a team of community managers who can easily deal with inquiries from the customers.

Digital PR is one of the most effective ways to build a relationship with your customers and prospective clients. It is easy to execute, and the strategy is quite straightforward. You have to stick to the voice and tonality of your brand to maintain consistency and reliability.

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