Businesses Can Do More to Reduce Stress

Creative sign with the text - Relaxed x Stressed

If WalletHub were correct, then people in New Hampshire are some of the least stressed in the United States. It ranked among the bottom ten, scoring only 34.03 in stress levels. That’s great news, but even better, commercial places can further help the residents relax.

But Wait, Why Is Stress Dangerous?

In a 2017 Gallup survey, about 44% of Americans said they felt stress frequently. That’s eight for every ten respondents. More than 33%, meanwhile, admitted they experienced stress sometimes daily. Fewer than 5% claimed they never felt it.

Contrary to popular belief, stress is a natural body response, and it manifests in many ways. Take, for example, when you’re sick with flu. Your immune system detects a pathogenic threat and gets into action. In the process, your body temperature increases.

Another example is when you’re trying to meet a deadline. Your heart beats fast, your blood pressure goes up, and most probably you won’t feel hunger. It’s because your body directs all your energy to what you’re doing. These changes intensify your focus and boost your speed.

The problem happens when stress becomes a common occurrence or even daily. The body keeps producing stress hormones like cortisol. Cortisol then impacts the way you regulate insulin and blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and heart rate.

High levels of cortisol can also suppress your immune system, which explains why you can get sick fast when you’re always exhausted. Chronic stress might even be responsible for your weight gain. Stressed people tend to overeat. It also changes the way the body produces hormones such as ghrelin or the hunger hormone.

A 2010 study in the International Journal of Peptides revealed that ghrelin seems to go up as soon as the stress levels also rise. Cortisol also regulates how your body stores fat, especially abdominal or visceral fat.

Here’s How You Can Help Reduce Stress

Male employee meditating at workplace sitting in yoga pose with eyes closed, not listening to screaming boss, blaming for laziness, work undone and missing deadline, no stress management, keep calm

People in New Hampshire are in a great position as far as reduced stress levels are concerned, but the state can do more. Businesses, for example, can consider commercial landscaping in Nashua.

It turns out that retail therapy is one of the conventional—and effective—methods of dealing with stress. A study by the University of Michigan researchers concluded that this would help restore a person’s sense of self-control. Choosers, or buyers, were also more likely to report sadness than browsers.

Incorporating nature, however, can boost the feelings of relaxation. Research in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology pointed out that interacting with indoor plants can already improve your mood and reduce feelings of anxiety.

How plants provide these benefits to humans is still subject to more investigation. Some experts believe it’s because plants give off oxygen, which promotes better cellular function. Others say humans possess that inner longing to connect with nature.

Nature can also expose humans to thousands of diverse but helpful microorganisms that encourage better gut health and immune system. Either way, plants can provide economic benefits to the business. When customers feel relaxed and happy, they are likely to go back again and again.

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