Want to Build a Credible Reputation in LinkedIn? Avoid These Four Mistakes


As people spend more time on the Internet, businesses are now focusing on digital marketing more than ever. To increase their online visibility, companies are improving their website’s accessibility and social media presence. This includes LinkedIn, a professional networking site that has been increasing in popularity since the surge of remote work.

In today’s competitive market, having a LinkedIn profile is a great way to build your professional network. While LinkedIn is initially known as a professional network to find jobs and strengthen professional relationships, this platform is now expanding its features to companies who want to build their personal brand.

Since LinkedIn’s users consist of professional audiences, it’s important to be mindful of how you build your profile and how you interact with other users. This is why certain mistakes can ultimately hurt your LinkedIn reputation and make the users unfollow you and ignore your posts. Besides your reputation, even your company imhrage and personal brand will also suffer by making these mistakes.

With that in mind, here are some mistakes that can potentially ruin your reputation on LinkedIn:


Lack of a content distribution plan

Whether you’re an individual user, marketer, or business owner, having a LinkedIn profile isn’t enough. This is why it is vital to create a content plan. This tool allows you to establish yourself as a thought leader by sharing engaging and relevant content regularly.

Low-quality content won’t add value to your existing and future connections, but it can ruin your reputation quickly. Remember, LinkedIn isn’t the same as Facebook or Instagram, where you can post puzzles, jokes, or funny videos. It is a professional networking platform where your audience consists mainly of professionals and thought leaders.

Take time to build a content distribution plan to help you craft valuable and professional content for your audience.

Overt selling

Have you accepted a new LinkedIn connection only to receive a sales pitch on their “intro” message? How about getting tagged in a group chat that contains an invitation about a money-making opportunity? There are also blatant promotional posts that aren’t relevant to you at all. If you’re keen to build your reputation on LinkedIn, never do any of these things.

LinkedIn policies prohibit users from blatantly selling their products or services on the platform. Although LinkedIn is effective in creating business connections, never use it as a social marketplace unless you paid for a LinkedIn advertisement.

The platform is designed to form connections and start professional conversations about your job, interest, and industry. Otherwise, showcasing your products or services can make you appear unprofessional, desperate, fraudulent, and can make you lose potential and existing customers.

Grammar errors and poor writing style

Nothing could get any worse than a spelling mistake or grammar errors in your LinkedIn profile. The way you write or the quality of your content tells so much about your credibility, expertise, knowledge, and skills. Posting content with multiple writing mistakes can mean that you’re either a terrible communicator or you don’t care enough about your company image.

Writing mistakes can turn off companies, influencers, customers, and other people who want to connect with your brand. If you’re not confident enough with your writing skills or you’re not fluent in English, it’s best to hire a professional writer to help you write your content.

Condescending and self-promotional writing style can also put others off by making you like a “show off.” Instead, describe your achievements using simple language that authentically reveals the accomplishments of your brand.

Lack of social proof

When posting on LinkedIn, be sure to walk the talk. Being surrounded by a community of professionals means you have to prove you’re knowledgeable about the topic you’re talking about. Otherwise, your audience will doubt your expertise in the matter.

If you love sharing big ideas but never back them up by taking action or testing them out, people will never buy your ideas and will even brand you as someone who simply loves to post with no strong basis.

Social proof is critical in marketing campaigns, especially in LinkedIn. Since LinkedIn is a part of your content marketing strategy, you should also consider social proof when building your LinkedIn presence.

In a professional platform, such as LinkedIn, your first impression can make or break your brand. Unlike other social media sites where people can do whatever they want, LinkedIn maintains a high standard of professionalism for its users. So, make sure to avoid the mistakes above and work toward building a credible reputation for your brand.

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