Adulting 101: What Should Really Be in Your Bucket List?


For many people, a typical bucket list consists of things like traveling the world, learning another language, or writing a book. But unless you’re among the rich kids, you’ll find that ticking off 195 countries in your list isn’t as easy as it seems. If you’re burdened with student debt, you’ll soon realize that it’s almost impossible to book a trip to another country on your first year in the workforce.

That’s why if you want a bucket list for yourself, you best kiss those lists you’ll find on the Internet goodbye. Why would you want others to tell you what to do, anyway?

Tips for Creating Your Bucket List

  • Name It – Putting a name on your list is a great way to add a personal touch or connection to it. This way, it’s not just another bucket list—it’s your “Life’s Must-Dos” or “Adventures to Be Had.”
  • Ask Yourself Questions – A bucket list allows you to get your brain juices flowing. Ask yourself questions, like, “What would you do if you had one month to live?” Would you go to New Zealand and have the adventure of your lifetime?
  • Be Realistic – While there’s no proper way to design your list, you want to be practical about some of your goals. Since we’re talking about things you want to accomplish before you die, you might want to be useful and bring the future in the picture. Have you considered AT&T retirement services to prepare for your sunset years?
  • Dream Big – Just because your bucket list should be practical, doesn’t mean you should put limitations on what you should achieve. The wonderful side of creating this list is that you’ll be inspired to pursue your aspirations, no matter how far-fetched they seem today. If being a CEO of a company is something that would make you happy, don’t hesitate to include that on your list.


  • Mix It Up – Remember when you asked your parents to bring you to Disneyland for your 8th birthday? Or when your best friend dared you to kiss your crush at band camp? If you’re still up for it, go ahead and mix up your list with your childhood dreams.
  • Categorize – When you create a list, chances are there will be easier and harder things to do. Categorize your goals so you’ll see your progress and get a sense of accomplishment every time you cross off items.
  • Record It – You probably think that “writing down goals helps someone achieve them” is just another cliché, but neuroscience proves it. If you can, get a notebook dedicated to your bucket list. You can also store your list digitally. Just don’t rely on your memory.

Overcoming the “Someday Syndrome”

Technically, your lifetime is your deadline for your bucket list. It’s a list of the things you want to do before you die, after all. But that’s what triggers the “Someday Syndrome.” Put a deadline on your goals so that you won’t keep putting off things.

For example, you can separate the things you want to achieve this year. You can also create Before 30, Before 40, and Before 50 mini lists. Whatever you do, it’s important to remember why you made a list in the first place.

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