Waste Reduction at Home Could Resolve a Global Waste Problem

Person holding garbage waste

Human activities produce different types of waste products. The problem of waste management escalates as populations increase and consumer products become more accessible. We produce more waste than we can handle, and we are seeing the truth of this now more than ever. Waste recovery for energy and resource is being practised in many countries in response to the overwhelming volume of rubbish produced worldwide.

Start Solving the Problem at Home

The amount of rubbish you produce in a year is staggering if you think about it. What about your entire household? If you pledge to reduce the volume of trash you produce, then you’d be doing the community a lot of good.

Homeowners who are aware of the burgeoning waste issue are doing their part by using rubbish skip bins from Sydney companies offering waste management programs. Poor waste disposal habit created the problem, among other factors combined. Perhaps you can convene the household and start thinking about ways to alleviate the problem of waste volume produced in your home.

The Problem with Landfills

You might be thinking it is acceptable to throw everything in one place in the yard since they will be collected and brought to landfills. This is not true anymore. Landfills are becoming a huge problem as well, not only in Australia and New Zealand but also in many parts of the world.

Unfortunately, landfills are being overcome by the increasing volume of the trash, poor segregation practices, and contamination of water and air. You may not be aware, but landfills emit greenhouse gases, which contribute to the warming of the planet. Also, the lack of regulation and monitoring on the waste products being dumped sometimes cause contamination of groundwater and other surface water sources.

Recycling and Reusing

recycling symbol on the wall

Recycling, reusing, and other sustainable practices may not be the penultimate solutions, but they help alleviate the burden in numerous communities. If we do not deal with our waste products properly and responsibly, the planet will be overcome with rubbish. Recycling is advisable, especially in urbanised communities where landfills may be overrun. Instead of dumping household waste in one bin, why don’t you impose a strict segregation policy at home? Educate your family members about items that can be placed in the recycle bin. Segregate plastic from paper, and glass from electronic waste. You are helping your community by exercising these simple practices.

Time to Do Something for the Future

If we can live in a country with no landfills and indiscriminate waste disposal, it would be heaven on earth. This may still be possible, but we have to start reducing the waste we produce.

In one year, we produce about seven million kilograms of waste matter, which end up in landfills. If we reduce waste production at home, we can lower the volume produced every year. That is if everyone takes responsibility and goes the extra mile. We can live in a world that is cleaner, less contaminated and closer to how our ancestors found it when the world was much younger.

What are you willing to do for future generations?

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