Organization in the Workplace: Why It’s More Important Than You Think

office space

Is your office full of clutter, from stacks of paper to bunches of wires? Ideally, offices should be clutter- and dirt-free. After all, it’s where employees do their job, and how their offices look will determine their level of respect to their employers or the work they exert.

Fortunately, commercial janitorial cleaning service companies are there to relieve businesses of their cleaning responsibilities. Still, these kinds of services don’t exempt them from organizing all items in the office. Office files are not to be tampered with, so it’s the business owner’s obligation to implement rules among employees and provide them with means for office organization.

The Benefits of Keeping Organized in the Workplace

The benefits of an organized office or company overall cannot be understated. Companies have always been interested in improving employee productivity, and one of the ways would be through organization. Here are other ways it can benefit your employees:

  • Reduces their stress levels

Especially if your business is still paper-based, it can really be stressful to locate documents. Most of the time, it’s energy- and time-consuming to find files from piles when they should have been spending their precious time for other important matters at work.

Aside from that, organizing can be the closest way to clear anyone’s mind, and it’s the same way for your employees. It can help them feel renewed and obtain peace of mind. Studies have shown that happy employees are more productive than those who go to work despondently.

  • Enables them to reach more deadlines

Not having to find their files just about anywhere, employees focus on the most critical tasks at hand. This would result in more deadlines being met.

  • Helps the company save

Disorganization leads to many missing items, which, in turn, forces the company to buy another. Having specific storage for materials can significantly reduce the company’s need to buy supplies over again.

  • Makes employees love their work

A more organized office leads to reduced stress. Making the entire office clutter-free, employees can enjoy the ambiance better and feel they have more space. Employees who are satisfied in their workstations tend to love their job better.

Tips for Improving Organization in the Office

When companies prioritize organization, their employees get more things done. But it’s not enough to just rearrange things around or simply clean the desks. The effort for organizing has to be on a wide scale. Here are several ways companies can transform their offices into an organized, efficient workstation:

  • Begin with purging the office

Look around the office. Is there anything that the office can do without? They might include old equipment, furniture, supplies, and more. Determine whether you should dispose of them or get them repaired. The purging phase can mean donating to charities or institutions, aside from just throwing them out.

  • Place the items in the office according to their use

Certain supplies and equipment should be put near the employees who will need them. This can significantly increase productivity since employees don’t have to walk around finding the supplies they need.

  • Label everything

Take the time to put labels on every storage—baskets, shelves, drawers, or bins to remind everyone where things are placed.

  • Invest in more storage

This may mean installing cabinets in the walls or purchasing more storage boxes that will be labeled afterward. Wall cabinets are a thing in offices nowadays since they don’t really consume too much space.

  • Organize the drawers

Drawers can have all the small things but messed up. Be sure not to neglect to organize the drawers too for the little items. Put in one drawer items that are used together. Have a separate drawer for personal items, too.

  • Change your filing system

Most businesses nowadays go paperless, realizing that being digital in almost every aspect makes everything easier. But there will always be essential paper files around the office. See what you can convert digitally. 

For a smooth filing system, create folders or designate boxes for various purposes. These include a meeting folder, to-read folder, on-hold or waiting-for-response folder, archive files, magazine boxes, storage boxes, and a weekly file box that awaits your filing every week.

  • Implement rules on keeping desktops organized

Now that the whole office is at it on organizing, be sure to get every employee involved. Desktops can easily get messy, so make sure they have trays for papers or organizers for their small items.

Physical Office and Digital Organization

Get your employees to organize their desktop computers or virtual spaces, too. Being organized in every way can significantly help get things done more efficiently.

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