Maximizing and Investing Your Profits as a Small Business

a business owner

The ongoing pandemic has caused many difficulties that have severely affected businesses of all sizes. Many businesses that could not adapt to the changing times were forced to close their doors permanently. However, those in different business sectors could successfully pivot their business structures and survive and thrive during the pandemic. One of the ways businesses were forced to adapt was by moving the majority of their workforce to work from home. Remote work allowed companies to continue to do business while also prioritizing the health and safety of their workforce. As employees were also in dire circumstances due to increased expenses, child care needs, and isolation, working from home permitted them to have a stable income.

Businesses that could successfully navigate the pandemic weren’t only limited to bigger, more prominent corporations. Smaller companies were also able to find ways to thrive. While bigger corporations benefited from bigger profit margins and liquidity, their rigid organizational structures somewhat hindered adapting any extreme changes. In contrast, smaller businesses found success largely due to their adaptability. Quickly and efficiently implementing changes largely contributed to many smaller businesses staying ahead of the curve. Some examples of smaller businesses that found success were local restaurants, cafes, and cleaning services. With this success, the next question for small businesses seems to be how they can keep up this momentum and how best to reinvest or grow their profits. While reinvesting profits in growing your business is common for many entrepreneurs, many business owners are looking at more traditional ways of diversifying their investments in the new normal.

Certificate of deposits or CDs

If not a little outdated, one of the most reliable ways is entrusting your money to your bank. Certificates of deposits, or commonly known as CDs, allow you to invest a fixed amount of money for a predetermined fixed amount of time. The great thing about CDs is that they’re backed by your bank and will provide a fixed interest rate for your funds. However, suppose you’re looking to have your money be liquid or easily accessible. In that case, this may not be the route to go, as CDs will usually have pre-termination fees should you choose to pull your funds out ahead of the predetermined date.


Another widely known investment tool is investing in the stock market. Venturing into the stock market requires a little more business acumen than the average bank investment. Even with a qualified broker to guide you, your understanding of the business landscape greatly influences which sectors and businesses you’ll want to invest in. You’ll also have to factor in your appetite for risk when going into stocks. This may not be the case if you’re looking to only invest in long-standing and well-established companies but if you’re looking to take a chance on some up-and-coming businesses, then knowing your odds is essential. The upside of investing in the stock market is it can bring significantly more gains and is substantially more liquid than other traditional investments like CDs, corporate bonds, or real estate. Stock investors will also usually be familiar with the foreign exchange market, especially if your investments are with international corporations. While stocks and foreign exchange may seem similar moving markets, intricacies differentiate the two. If you’re just getting into the market, there are experts and forex brokers who can guide you and help you understand the market.

Real estate

house for sale

Investing in real estate is perhaps the most widely known avenue for investing large sums of money. As the real estate market continues to maintain its appreciation trend, investing in both commercial and residential properties can bring you significant profits in the long run. The possible profits for wisely chosen properties also significantly supersede other investments. However, these types of returns only come if you have a good grasp of the market and location of your purchase. Perhaps you’re buying property in an up-and-coming neighborhood that you think will appreciate as more roads and malls are built in the area, which will lead to your property appreciating. In the long run, this isn’t always the case. Real estate agents, due diligence, and an excellent insight into the market will go a long way should you choose to invest your money this way. Despite the high rewards, real estate is also the least liquid. Turnaround times for these types of investments can take decades and are subject to the test of time.

Whichever route you choose to invest in, intelligent money moves regarding your business profits are essential for running a successful business. This is especially true if you’re looking to expand in the future.

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