How to Maintain Your Business Hardware & Software

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You probably won’t realize the importance of maintaining your business hardware and software until a tech problem completely derails your operations. Don’t wait for that day to come. Instead, use these strategies to make sure your business tech stays running smoothly and efficiently:

1. Clean your hardware regularly

Without regular cleaning, dust or dirt can quickly accumulate on and inside your hardware, causing suffocation or physical damage to your devices. To prevent unnecessary breakdowns and costly repairs, clean your equipment regularly through frequent dusting, wiping, and sanitation. If you are unsure how to clean a piece of hardware, send it to a computer repair store that can clean it for a reasonable fee.

2. Maintain your IT infrastructure

IT infrastructure maintenance can be categorized into four main areas, namely: server, desktop, backup, and security. Here are the different maintenance tasks that you need to do regularly (daily, weekly, bimonthly, monthly, etc.) under each category:

Server maintenance

  • Checking disk usage and cleaning unnecessary data
  • Installing updates and patches
  • Updating the server control panel
  • Checking for server errors

Desktop maintenance

  • Checking for things that go against IT policies (e.g., software, websites, disk usage, etc.)
  • Updating anti-virus and running a scan
  • Emptying recycle bin

Backup maintenance

  • Verifying and re-verifying backups
  • Checking backup notifications
  • Checking for backup errors and possible issues

Security maintenance

  • Updating and checking anti-virus
  • Checking for suspicious activity and signs of breaches
  • Changing passwords
  • Removing access of former employees
  • Testing the security system

3. Replace hardware when needed


If you continue to run on old or defective hardware, you might be losing more money than if you’d just replace it. If you notice the following signs, it’s high time to replace your hardware:

  • Your employees’ efficiency is being affected
  • Your computers continue to be poorly performing despite trying to optimize the software
  • Your hardware does not have the requirements for a software that you want to use
  • You’re spending more money on repairs and maintenance
  • You cannot update your software due to the hardware requirements

Sticking to outdated hardware can decrease your employees’ efficiency. Aside from that, it can also put you at risk of security attacks without essential patches and updates.

4. Teach employees how to take care of your tech

Since your employees are the ones using most of your tech, they are the first people who should learn how to take care of it. Include proper tech maintenance in your training procedures for all employees. Enforce rules that will keep both hardware and software in good working conditions, such as no eating or drinking near the computer, no downloading of unauthorized programs, no going on unsafe sites, and being gentle when using devices such as phones, printers, and other accessories.

Overall, remember that proper tech maintenance should never be overlooked, lest you want an unexpected breakdown to affect your business performance. Using these maintenance strategies, you can ensure that both your hardware and software are healthy, making way for optimum efficiency, performance, and data security in the workplace.

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