Commercial Property Damage Due to Hurricane: Filing Claims and More

a signage of hurricane warning
  • Safety should be the priority when assessing hurricane damage to commercial properties.
  • Document all evidence of damages and conversations with insurance companies and professionals involved in the process.
  • Contact your insurance provider promptly after a hurricane hits.
  • Hire a professional restoration company knowledgeable about local regulations and permits, efficient in their work, and has experience filing insurance claims.

Hurricanes are one of the most destructive natural calamities causing extensive damage to commercial properties. The damage can range from torn roofs, broken windows, and fallen trees to destruction of buildings. Recovering from such disasters can be a distressing time, and it’s essential to clearly understand the measures you can take to restore your property.

This article will discuss the steps to take when your commercial property suffers hurricane damage and how to file claims to cover the costs of the damages. Knowing your rights and what you are entitled to as a policyholder. It will provide the necessary information and guidelines to simplify the process.

Safety first

If a hurricane hits your commercial property, your safety and that of your staff, visitors, and customers come first. You should ensure everyone is safe before assessing the extent of the damage. If necessary, seek shelter in a safer place until the threat passes.

Do not attempt to enter the building until it is declared safe. Once the threat has passed, survey and assess the damage. Make a note of any broken windows, soaked furniture, damaged appliances, etc. These items must be replaced or repaired as part of your claim.

Document the damage

Once the hurricane is over and it’s safe to return to your property, take note of the damages. Take pictures and videos of the affected areas, document the injuries, and note the personal property losses you may have incurred. These records can be solid evidence when filing claims, so don’t underestimate the importance of documenting everything.

Moreover, document any conversations you have with the insurance company, contractor, or other professionals involved. This is crucial to ensure you get the most out of your claim.

Contact your insurance company

man on the phone taking notes

Contact your insurance provider promptly to inform them of the damages and initiate the claim process. Many policies require that you report the injuries within a specific timeline, so you must act fast. Provide as much detail as possible, including the damage’s date and time, where it occurred, and the extent of the damage.

However, some insurance companies may try to downplay the extent of the damage or deny your claims. This is when you should consider hiring an insurance law group for legal assistance. They will help you ensure you get the compensation you are entitled to and that the insurance company is not taking advantage of you.

Hire a professional restoration company

Hurricanes can cause significant damage to commercial properties, and restoring them can be complex. That is why hiring a professional restoration company to assist you in the process is essential. Read below for the importance of hiring a professional restoration company after hurricane damage to your commercial property.

Expertise and Experience

Professional restoration companies have the expertise and experience to handle complex hurricane damage to commercial properties. They have the necessary skills to analyze the damage, plan the restoration work, and execute it correctly. Moreover, they have access to state-of-the-art equipment and technology to restore your property effectively.

Knowledge of Local Regulations and Permits

After a hurricane, local authorities may require specific permits and licenses to restore commercial properties. A professional restoration company will help you navigate through the regulatory requirements. They understand the state and local building codes, regulations, and permit codes that will ensure you comply with all the necessary regulations.

Quick Restoration

repairman with tools and hard hat for work

A professional restoration company will work efficiently to return your commercial property to its original condition as soon as possible. They understand the urgency of the restoration process and how it affects the operations of your business. Therefore, they will work round-the-clock to complete the restoration work quickly.

Proper Documentation and Insurance Claims

A professional restoration company will help you file insurance claims for hurricane damage to your commercial property. They will provide proper damage documentation, essential when filing insurance claims. Moreover, since they have extensive experience working with insurance companies, they will negotiate the best settlement for you.

The Bottom Line

Ideally, no one wants to do business with emergencies, but unfortunate incidents like hurricanes happen. With commercial property damage due to a storm, you must take immediate steps to address the situation in a claim and seek the help of a professional restoration company, which can help alleviate your stress during this challenging time. Remember these tips to help you get the most out of your claim and restore your commercial property.

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