Choose the Perfect FMO Partner and Build a Career in the Insurance Industry

selling health insurance

Selling health insurance could be the lucrative career you’ve been looking for. The reason is simple: An increasing number of people are becoming aware of the many benefits of having health insurance coverage.

But while many insurance agents and brokers still settle with just selling Medicare plans and Medicare supplement, having the right FMO or field marketing organization by your side can boost your career growth. Here are the reasons you should align your goals with an FMO:

More to Offer

A typical independent insurance broker is usually tied with only one insurance provider; therefore, he or she cannot sell other plans from a competitor. In some states, insurance brokers may apply for licenses with a couple of insurance companies to provide different options to potential clients. This means you will go to visit these offices for any updates, call different numbers, or log in to different systems and apps, among other things, when you have a prospective client.

With the help of an FMO, you can simply access it from one location and from one system. Most, if not all, FMOs are affiliated with all the insurance companies, or at least the leading insurance providers. Suffice to say, it’s easier to sell these insurance plans. In addition, you can offer different insurance packages to your clients.

Harmonious Sales Relationship

FMOs get their earnings from the clients that insurance agents bring in. To keep the money flowing in, knowing the right talking points and the sales pitch is important to close a deal. That said, one of the best benefits that FMOs offer their insurance agents is continuous free training in different ways to increase their productivity.

a woman talking to a client

As a newbie in the insurance business, learning the ins and outs of the industry and knowing some tricks and trade secrets exposes you to many different opportunities. If you think you still need to improve your communication skills when presenting marketing proposals to different people, look for and work with FMOs that offer this opportunity.

Marketing Assistance

A good FMO gives out every assistance their agents may need in order to close a deal. These vary from letterheads, business cards, and envelopes, to brochures, flyers, or even a spot on their official website or a video that you can post on your social media accounts, FMOs usually provide these for free or at the very least, just for a little cost.

Did you know that even veteran insurance agents need all the assistance they can get in order to become successful in this industry? For instance, some veteran insurance agents affiliate themselves with FMOs that can help improve some aspects of their marketing strategy for which they feel weak. Remember that it’s not a sign of weakness to accept that you need help; rather, it’s a sign of determination to improve yourself even further.

With the assistance and guidance that helps improve your marketing skills, selling insurance policies and plans can be easier and rewarding. By working with a good FMO, you will surely have a great career in this industry.

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