Business From Home: Tips to Start One and How to Make It Grow

woman running a business

The pandemic has changed the way people live their lives—the way adults work, students learn, and people think in general. Even running businesses has changed, presenting a significant shift in how people generate income.

What’s good is that information and technology stepped up their game that almost all life aspects became dependent on it. For the first time, the work-from-home arrangement and homeschooling became a norm. Even businesses that were affected by the pandemic shifted to online services.

With this in mind, companies created their websites. Restaurants began to take online orders. Even groceries and drug stores would allow you to do your shopping through your smartphone, and all your orders would be delivered right to your doorstep.

Now that there is some control over the pandemic, some businesses are back to normal. Yet, there remains some semblance of what life was at the height of the pandemic, especially with the use of technology. This includes working from home.

However, some of you may not be the working type. Some are either gifted or trained to do business. If you are still at home and thinking of starting a business, here are some tips for you.

Figure Out What You Really Want

There is a saying, “Do what you like, and you don’t have to work a single day.” Another one states, “When you do what you love, the income is only a bonus.” This means a business should be in line with what fulfills you. If you want to start a food business, don’t sell something you don’t like to eat. Come up with a product that you like, and for sure, you will put your heart into it.

Come Up With a Business Plan

These are different ways that you can make money. With a business plan, you make clear goals and a step-by-step plan to achieve them. This should also include target market analysis and competition research. And if you are looking for investors, a business plan is what will attract them and make them believe in you and your business.

Your business plans need to show two things: the why and the how. This means you and your investors should see the reason and the goal of your business. Then it will show a road map on how to achieve that goal. Aside from attracting investors, it will also guide you as you navigate your way through achieving your goals.

woman selling online

Stock Up

When you are ready to start your business, it is time to stock up. If you are selling food, then get your kitchen prepared for orders. You have to take note of your products’ expiry date for the health and safety of your customers. Follow the first in, first out principle. If you are selling products like clothes and shoes, it has to be ready for shipping by your launch date. Also, your stockroom must be clean and well-maintained so that when orders come, you will be prepared for packaging and delivery.

Learn How to Make Your Business Grow

Viral Marketing

This is a kind of advertising that uses and maximizes social media platforms to create a trend. For example, if you sell food, make it Instagramable, which customers would want to order because it is trending on Twitter. That way, you do not need to spend money on advertisements. The hashtags on social media sites and YouTube videos about your product are enough for customers to follow and support you.


You don’t need to do things on your own. You can hire the services of a telemarketing company to help you drive sales and generate revenue. That way, you don’t have to be on the phone, answering inquiries and taking orders all the time. You can just focus on your products and make sure they are of perfect quality.

You can also outsource your delivery services. All the things that get in the way of focusing on your product must be done by someone else. It may cost a little, but never consider it an expense. But it is an investment that will help you in your business growth and success.

Final Thoughts

There are many other ways to start and grow a business. Sometimes, the process is subject to different factors. It also depends on your target market and the products you are selling.

But if you are seeking the heart and the wisdom of starting a business, you can ask a successful businessman you personally know. After all, aside from the tips provided here, you need the guidance and wisdom of an expert.

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