What Are Business Assets and Why Your Company Needs Them


Companies have plenty of business assets to choose from. What’s great about business assets is that you’ll be able to resell them in time. Yet, it’s vital to select assets that will have the highest value in the future. Businesses from different industries have various assets they can use when needed.

However, the processes and steps of reselling may vary according to the type of asset you possess. For example, selling a used vehicle or stocks are two significantly different scenarios. In any circumstances, whether you opt to sell your business or not, you can rely on your assets if you need more funds.

Examples of Business Assets

Before you sell business assets, you first need to determine which ones have the highest values.

Below are the top and most valued business assets you can work with, either now or in the coming years. In other terms, your assets can quickly become money anytime as long as you know how things work.

Company Equipment

Business equipment comprises all the valuable and viable assets of your company. In this category, your assets will significantly depend on the kind of business you operate. For instance, if you’re in manufacturing, your biggest asset will be machinery. And if you own a bookstore, the books you sell may be your most valuable asset.

But that’s not all. Equipment can also come in the form of technology, like payment systems- from credit card readers to cash registers- all things have value. It also doesn’t matter if the equipment is old. You can still find a potential buyer.


Big companies usually own several vehicles for official business transactions. One might think that cars fall in the same category as business equipment, but cars often require a unique selling framework because of their particular use. In most cases, vehicles are always considered valuable as they are indispensable. Vehicle assets aren’t just limited to cars. Drones and other similar tools are included in it too.

Industries like construction, transportation, and manufacturing offer high value for vehicles. Regardless of your industry, always out your company vehicles as one of the primary assets.

Tangible Properties

Business owners primarily have own two types of properties- tangible and intangible. Let’s talk about the prior first. Tangible properties typically include buildings or lands. It can also include public works, among other things.

Before working with a listing agent to sell your properties, you must gather valuable information in advance. Like vehicle assets, you need to review how much you paid for the property and the amount you invested in fixing damages. By doing so, you can calculate how much it should cost by now.

Intangible Properties

copyright stamp

Intangible properties are assets that business owners can renounce, obtain quickly, or sell. Contracts, leases, account receivables, and copyrights are included in this category. Another relative asset here is intellectual property, such as company plans and project designs. In other words, anything that you create belongs to you. Hence, these are assets that you can sell for a reasonable price.

However, it’s not always ideal to sell intellectual properties, especially if you’re only going to switch industries or planning to retire. But it can also be a bit tricky. In selling intangible properties, one has to know when to take exception. It would still be wiser to save your concept and take it with you. After all, you can always modify your intellectual properties according to your preferences.


Miscellaneous are assets that you might find worthless. In most cases, these are the furniture, art, supplies, tools, and every small thing you can find in your businesses. Don’t get rid of these items right away, as they may have value. Although you might sell them for a meager price, that’s still better than getting nothing out of them.

How you sell your things will depend on their purposes. If you sell items such as tables and chairs, you can resell them to someone who’s planning to open a new restaurant on a budget. As you can see, you can still earn money out of these things. You just have to find the perfect buyer.


Relatively the same with intangible assets, investments are assets that you cannot always transfer right away. But the good news is that investments are long-term and can accumulate higher value over time. One of the most famous examples of investment is stock shares.

What makes investment different from others? For starters, you have the option to take your investments in various directions. You can sell, put more money into it to make it higher, or let it grow on its own.

As you decide to sell your business assets, it’s critical to remember the key considerations. Above anything else, you must know about your properties’ taxes.

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