Technologies You Should Consider For Your Small Business

Cloud storage

Suppose you’re having a tough time keeping your business afloat. In that case, you might find comfort in the fact that you’re not alone, as many other businesses are suffering because the current economic crises affect all kinds of businesses.

But something else that you should take comfort in is that there are some technologies you can invest in that would help you manage your small business. You should also know that these gadgets, apps, and tools work well with all types of businesses – whether you’re managing a holistic medicine studio or a restaurant, you should consider some of them.

Game-Changing Technologies For Small Businesses

With all kinds of technologies coming out right now that are targeting business owners, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with the information overload, and making the right choice is difficult. You may want to take some time as you wouldn’t want to invest in something that wouldn’t give you the help your business needs.

Of course, it’s only natural that you want to save money, but here is a list of tools, apps, and gadgets that your small business needs. They can help your business grow bigger by reaching more audiences and helping you manage your business’ workload, data, and remote work easier and more efficiently. Here are some of them:

Customer Relationship Management Software (CRM)

Even if you just started your business and it’s still small, you will eventually be bombarded with too much information from your customers, like their contact information and transaction records, to name a few.

Managing them manually might be a headache, but it’s one you can save yourself and your workforce from if you get a Customer Relationship Management Software or CRM. The best ones are, Oracle NetSuite, Salesmate, Zoho CRM,, Pipedrive CRM, and BIGContacts.

Online Backup Storage

You don’t need to worry about losing essential business-related information if you get cloud storage for your business. It’s perfect for getting one as soon as you start operations so that even if you suffer from data theft or loss, you would have backup storage where your files will be safe and sound.

Besides iCloud, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive, you should check out IDrive Personal, SpiderOak, Carbonite Safe, CrashPlan, and Backblaze.

Remote Work Software

If working from home makes you miss being in an office setting and hanging out with your staff and co-workers, then getting remote work software should help you feel better. You get to feel like you’re working as a team again, and you can even manage your tasks and projects in a more organized and efficient way. So, check out some of these platforms like Trello, Todoist, Basecamp, Hubstaff, Slack,, and Zoom.

Virtual Assistants

Virtual assistants can mean humans employed in your business but are working remotely to do some tasks for you, like scheduling meetings and appointments and sending emails. On the other hand, these can also be chatbots or voice assistants that help perform some basic tasks so that the rest of your employees can focus on other more complex work. Having both can increase work quality, customer satisfaction, and productivity.

Project Management System Software

If you want to manage your project planning, scheduling, appointments, tasks, resource allocation, streamline your project management, etc., then having a Project Management System Software is the answer.

Having one would help your team track these projects that you’re working on and even manage your budget while ensuring that your finished products reach your desired goals. Collaborating with your team on tasks and projects, even if you’re working remotely, will be easier with Basecamp, Nifty, Hive, Trello, Workfront, and other similar platforms.

Cybersecurity Software

Any business owner would want to protect their business data from all kinds of malicious or intrusive programs meant to exploit your information in different ways. So improving your cybersecurity and getting cloud-based antivirus network software and tools would help strengthen your cybersecurity and keep your business safe from all types of threats.

Bitdefender, Cloud Security, Network Security, Internet of all Things Security, Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, etc., are some of the ones you should consider having to protect your business.

Be The Boss You Want To Be

Investing in any of these technologies would give your business the kind of digital makeover it needs to make it succeed even more. Even if you started a small business, its potential to grow into something bigger would be cultivated better with your leadership, employees, and the right technologies.

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