Three Types of People You Should Hire for Your Startup


Starting a business is no easy feat. It requires a great deal of planning, commitment, and hard work. You, as the business owner, will lay everything down from the ground up. Often, you’ll be doing it alone at first, considering that all your capital has to go into growing your business.

But as your company grows, you can no longer handle things on your own. The demand will be too heavy for you to meet alone. You will need to begin expanding your company into different departments, each spearheaded by a good employee. But that’s where the challenge arises. Small startup businesses often find it challenging to access the best talents with the right skills and education that suits their needs. That’s because most employees aim to get hired in bigger, more established companies.

But it’s not impossible to find great talents that can help your company grow. At this point, you should be looking for employees who have the knowledge and skills needed for the role. But you should also put importance into character and work ethics. Recruitment tools and software such as SkillFuel can help you find and access employees fit for the roles you need to fill. Here are the types of people you should hire for your startup.

Those with an entrepreneurial mindset

Technically, you are the central entrepreneur of your business. You call all the shots and make the big business decisions. But to overcome any problem and be on the road towards success, you will need like-minded people. Having one or two entrepreneurs in your team, each with their own ideas and perspectives can help you solve problems and generate great ideas that will drive your business forward.

The flexible employees


Because of your limited resources and the fact that you’re just working your way up in the corporate ladder, you won’t have the capacity to hire a lot of people to fill essential positions. Typically, small businesses only have five to 25 employees in their roster, depending on where they are in terms of business growth.

But the catch is that you’ll be doing the same jobs that bigger businesses are undertaking, such as marketing, accounting, and the like. With only a few employees helping out, there will come instances when they need to work several roles and help out in other departments. Finding people who are flexible and willing to form an agile team will help you effectively distribute workload and accomplish a wide array of tasks.

The passionate ones

Passion is a character trait that cannot be taught. No matter how smart or equipped a person is, they will get unmotivated sooner or later. But those who actually love what they do will never lose interest in their jobs. They will continue seeking new ways to improve their craft. A writer who is passionate about writing will not mind whether they work in big corporations or small ones, as long as they get to do what they love.

And these are the types of people your small business needs. Find employees who are passionate about their roles. This will help open up plenty of opportunities for innovation and growth in your company.

Instead of looking for employees with an impressive resume, focus on the soft skills they have that can benefit your company. You can worry about training and skill-building later. Remember that skills can be taught, but character and work ethics are difficult to disrupt and change.

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