How To Get Liposuction Covered By Insurance

a woman preparing for liposuction surgery

Liposuction has become a popular procedure in the field of cosmetic surgery, offering individuals a way to reshape and contour their bodies. This surgical technique involves the removal of excess fat deposits from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, arms, or chin.

There are several reasons why people consider liposuction. Firstly, it can help achieve a more proportionate body shape by eliminating stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. This procedure is commonly sought by those who have undergone significant weight loss and want to remove excess skin and fat.

Additionally, liposuction can enhance body definition and create a more sculpted appearance, particularly in areas like the abdomen or thighs. Moreover, liposuction can address body image concerns, boosting self-confidence and improving overall well-being.

But the question that comes up is, “Does insurance cover liposuction?” Is this maybe the best time to get life insurance if it can cover this procedure? Let’s find the answer, as well as everything you need about liposuction, below.

Cost Of Liposuction

surgeon making marks on belly

Before you learn the answer to the question, ”Is liposuction covered by insurance?” you need to know the overall cost of this procedure. The cost range of liposuction procedures can vary widely depending on several factors. On average, liposuction can cost anywhere between $2,000 to $7,000 per treatment area. The final cost is determined by various factors.

Firstly, the area of treatment plays a crucial role in determining the price. Treating larger areas like the abdomen or thighs may cost more compared to smaller areas like the chin or arms. Additionally, the amount of fat to be removed is also a factor. More extensive procedures may be priced higher.

Secondly, the surgeon’s experience and expertise can influence the cost. Highly experienced and reputable surgeons may charge more due to their track record and skill level. Other factors, like the geographical location of the practice and additional fees for anesthesia or facility usage, may also affect the overall cost of liposuction.

Is Liposuction Covered By Insurance?

health insurance

Can you use your self-insurance to fund your liposuction? Not quite. Liposuction is primarily regarded as a cosmetic procedure aimed at improving body aesthetics rather than treating a medical condition. As such, it is typically not covered by health insurance plans or any life insurance policy.

Cosmetic procedures, including liposuction, are often considered elective because they are chosen by individuals to enhance their physical appearance rather than being medically necessary. Since health insurance providers typically prioritize coverage for procedures that directly address health conditions or alleviate symptoms, they don’t include liposuction in the insurance coverage.

Due to this distinction, individuals seeking liposuction should be aware that the cost will likely need to be self-funded.

Insurance Approval For Liposuction


Does health insurance cover liposuction? Well, in rare cases, liposuction may be deemed medically necessary for health reasons, making health insurance coverage a possibility.

Situations where insurance might cover liposuction, include cases of lipedema, a chronic condition where excess fat accumulates disproportionately in the legs and arms, causing pain and mobility issues. Another example is when liposuction is required to treat conditions like lymphedema, where excess fat deposits result from damaged lymphatic vessels.

To seek insurance approval for liposuction in such cases, the process usually involves the following steps:

  1. Consultation with a healthcare provider: The patient must consult with a doctor who can diagnose and document the medical necessity of liposuction. The doctor will provide evidence supporting the need for the procedure due to health reasons.
  2. Documentation: The healthcare provider will compile medical records, including test results, images, and notes demonstrating the severity of the condition and the failure of non-surgical treatments to alleviate symptoms.
  3. Insurance pre-authorization: The doctor’s office will submit a pre-authorization request to the insurance company, including the medical records and supporting documentation. This is to determine if the procedure meets the insurance company’s criteria for medical necessity.
  4. Review process: The insurance company will evaluate the submitted documentation, considering their specific guidelines for coverage. They may request additional information or consult with medical experts to make a determination.
  5. Approval or denial: Once the review process is complete, the insurance company will communicate its decision to the patient and healthcare provider. If approved, coverage details, including any cost-sharing responsibilities, will be provided.

It is important to note that the process and criteria for insurance coverage can vary significantly among insurance providers. Patients should consult their specific insurance policy and work closely with their healthcare provider to navigate the approval process successfully.


Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that involves removing excess fat from the body. The cost of liposuction can vary depending on several factors, such as the specific area being treated, the extent of the procedure, and the surgeon’s experience. On average, it can range from $2,000 to $7,000 or more.

However, it’s important to note that liposuction is generally not covered by insurance. Yet, sometimes, there may be health insurance that covers plastic surgery. This cosmetic surgery covered by insurance can be done if you fulfill some medical emergency requirements.

Of course, to be completely sure when wondering, “Will insurance cover liposuction?” it’s best to contact a professional healthcare provider and one of the best insurance companies. That way, you can rest assured knowing will insurance pay for liposuction.

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