Different Types of Speakers and How to Be a Good One

Speaker in a conference

There are times when you need the motivation to keep you going in life. Admit it or not, you sometimes get discouraged for a reason or another. That is why there are a lot of books that offer hope and motivation for those who need it.

Some companies also hire sports celebrity speakers and the like to help lift up their employees’ morale. Motivational speakers speak through experience. They have been where you have and are willing to share their knowledge about a certain topic.

More than that, a good motivational speaker should offer good advice and encourage listeners to be the best version of themselves they can be. Motivational speaking not only requires extensive knowledge on a certain topic. It also needs the speaker to be articulate and confident in delivering a message.

Types of speakers

Any speaker can be knowledgeable in one or more topics, but for them to be truly effective communicators, they have to specialize in a field of interest or two. Here are some of those.

  • Business – They engage with people in corporate settings, from sales personnel to top company executives. Business speakers talk about key tools and concepts in management, such as human resources, operations, and finances. It is important for employees to apply the appropriate business practices to improve their craft. At the same time, speakers present different perspectives and approaches to improve processes and management.
  • Community – Speakers specializing in community topics discuss social issues. They not only aim to encourage social responsibility, the best community speakers also challenge traditions and cultural norms. They should also be able to spark action in the audience or at least make them more aware of important issues.
  • Personal development – This type of speaking engagement aims to help listeners improve their personal outlook and perception. A way speakers do this is by sharing personal struggles and how they overcame them. Some may also encourage listeners to share their own experiences and motivate one another.
  • Youth mentor – This kind of motivational speaker is like the previous two, except they have a more specific target audience. They aim to inspire young people early and capitalize on qualities such as youthful energy, idealism and passion. Such speaking engagements should also guide young listeners toward the right path in life. At the same time, youth mentors should help young people avoid the dangers of bad decisions and influences.

Becoming a motivational speaker

Motivational speakerAnyone can speak in front of an audience, but to be a good speaker, follow these tips:

  • Listen to other speakers – Try drawing inspiration by watching videos and listening to podcasts of motivational speakers. You don’t only learn from the greats, you also enrich your own understanding on different topics.
  • Write down your ideas – Think about your niche. Do you want to specialize in improving a marriage? How about strengthening your spirituality? How about ways of being a better parent? Write all of your ideas for your speech material. Always bring a small notebook or your phone in case an idea suddenly comes into mind.
  • Work on your skills – Take public speaking and personal development seminars if there are available in your area. Exposure and practice will help establish your stage presence and overcome challenges you might have when speaking in front of a large audience.
  • Create a speech outline. – A talk is as good as its flow and structure. For your audience to grasp your message, you should be clear and coherent. Have a catchy introduction and be engaging all throughout. End it by summarizing your entire content and ensuring listeners they will take action.

Motivational speaking can be for everyone. You just have to know what topic to specialize in and how to effectively communicate it to an audience.

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