Got an Artsy Friend? Here are the Perfect Gifts for Them


An artsy friend is a special friend, and if you have one, be thankful. They may be trying to help you view the world through a creative lens. They are probably your go-to persons for creative recommendations when it comes to gifts. If you have a painter friend, there might be one time when they painted or sketched you a portrait.

If your artsy friend’s special day or a milestone celebration is coming up, you may already be thinking of a gift for them. And this can be quite challenging, especially that they have such a refined taste that your gift may not suffice.

But don’t stress yourself too much. Your friend will surely appreciate whatever your gift may be (so long as it is not offensive). But if you are looking to impress them, you should also be creative. Nevertheless, here are some recommendations that you may want to take into account:

If Your Friend is an Art Geek

Not all artsy people practice the arts. Some are just great admirers and aficionados. If you have a friend who loves paintings, you can easily gift them with a printed fine art painting from a reliable photography shop in Salt Lake City, Utah. This is something that they can use as a wall display. You may also gift them a book on art history.

If You Have a Painter Friend


There are a lot of great gift ideas for your painter friends. The most common that comes to mind is a set of paintbrushes. But if you want to be different, you may consider gifting them a leather tool roll where they can keep their paintbrushes, pencils, and even cutters. A new set of linen papers or canvases are also useful and practical gifts they’d appreciate.

If Your Friend is a Photographer

Having a photographer for a friend may mean that you have good portraits from them. Encourage them to pursue their craft by giving them cute gifts. One good idea is to give them a leather camera strap, which can last a long time. If your friend also practices analog photography, new rolls of film or a portable scanner will surely be appreciated. A leather camera bag also sounds a great idea, especially if they are traveling a lot.

If Your Friend is a Theater Arts Fan

For your theater friends, you can give them a small wooden shelf where they can keep all the playbills they have been collecting. But nothing will make their hearts jump in excitement than giving them tickets to their favorite plays.

When you have an artsy friend, consider yourself lucky. Some of them may be sharing with you important and interesting facts about the art. They may be even gifting you with artistic pieces, which is, essentially, a part of their soul. If you want to put a smile on their face on their special day or make them feel appreciated, you should try being creative, too. Come up with a gift idea that is useful and creative at the same time.

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